Love MT. HOPE GIVING DAY Sunday, June 2, 2024

Help us celebrate Mt. Hope's 55th birthday with a special ONE DAY GIVING challenge!

Love MT. HOPE Giving Day! Sunday, June 2, 2024

ONE DAY GIVING for Mt. Hope on our 55th birthday, June 2nd!


On June 2, 2024, help us celebrate this milestone birthday with a special ONE DAY Giving challenge.

Let’s PAY IT FORWARDTogether!  Your generous gift makes the difference and impacts residents’ lives now and for future generations!

You’re invited to go to the DONATE tab or mail your gift directly to Mt. Hope, 3026 Mt. Hope Home Road, Manheim, 17545 with the note “ONE DAY GIVE“.

How do you see yourself joining our amazing network of friends to help us reach our $20,000 ONE DAY GIVING GOAL?